Rytme is an application created primarily for patients, but also for anyone who wants tolead a healthy lifestyle based on current knowledge derived from scientific evidence. Rhythmit is a link between you and doctors, educates and motivates to make modificationsbehavioral ones recommended by experts. It is the result of collaboration between doctors, scientists,psychologists, clinical nutritionists and engineers.In addition to pharmacological treatment, the basic action recommended by the worldmedical organizations is a lifestyle change that includes daily activity and diet. Testsshow that behavioral modifications are a key element in reducing cardiovascular riskof patients, and also play an important role in existing therapiesdiseases. It is recommended in all people with elevated cardiovascular risk factorslifestyle counseling and its relationship to well-being. smoking cessation,maintaining a healthy weight and regular physical activity are important areas inwhere support is recommended.In the case of already existing specific disease entities, such as hypertensionarterial disease, diabetes, coronary artery disease, oncological diseases or heart failure, next to itPharmacotherapy recommends a number of behaviors related to the "lifestyle". Unfortunately, information andeducation alone is ineffective. At Rytme, we have built tools to break down barriers.Rytme is individualized counseling tailored to your needs. Together with Rytme you will take care ofphysical performance, you will calm your thoughts, you will understand how much influence you have on your health. Ifyou are a patient, we will help you better understand your condition and provide you with the latest knowledgeregarding your problem. If you plan to protect yourself from health consequencescurrent lifestyle, you will find a preventive program based on healthy habits.The proposed solution is provided as an element of support in the process of modifying the stylelife and in the treatment process. Thanks to the application, you will get educational content for which there is no timeduring the visit, motivational content and ready-made tools for implementing recommendations adapted toyour problem and opportunity. The application includes a module for keeping measurement logs.Currently in Rytme you will find the following programs: hypertension, lipid disorders,diabetes, insulin resistance/obesity, sleep disorders, thyroid diseases, healthy lifestyle.Privacy policy: https://www.rytme.pl/prpTerms of use: https://www.rytme.pl/tos